Retiring to the Big City?

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article about how a small group of retirement-age Americans are rejecting traditional ideas about retirement in favor of growing old in major urban metropolises. While many people think of big cities as having crowded, dirty streets and crammed subway cars, many retirees are finding that these big cities … Continue reading Retiring to the Big City?

Thank You, Again…

As I noted in yesterday's post, now that I have hit my goal of surpassing Cal Ripken's consecutive streak, I plan to start sharing some of my older posts. Since there's no time like the present, I thought I would start doing so today, by sharing my very first post. I was motivated to begin … Continue reading Thank You, Again…


I first mentioned Cal Ripken back in a post on August 2, 2015, when I noted that he was my favorite baseball player of all time. My next mention of Cal was on December 31, 2015. That date represented one year of blogging, 365 straight days. In that post, I wrote the following: Now that … Continue reading I’VE PASSED CAL RIPKEN!!

What Has 12 Thumbs and Has Gained a Few Pounds Since College?

This group of guys. That's me in the gray hoodie with the glasses. I was lucky enough to be invited by one of these guys (the guy on my far right, the far left looking at the picture - the bald guy) to watch yesterday's Flyers hockey game from one of the suites. He had … Continue reading What Has 12 Thumbs and Has Gained a Few Pounds Since College?

This Sport Should Be in the Olympics

I was once again listening to sports talk radio the other day, and the hosts were discussing what could be done to save the Olympics. Viewership is way down, and it doesn't seem to carry the same excitement that it did 20 years ago. I think there are a few things that could be done, … Continue reading This Sport Should Be in the Olympics

I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

I've been watching this nail-biter of a game between Villanova and UConn, and during one of the time-outs, a commercial came on that gave me an idea of how I can make some money when I retire. Here is the commercial: So I thought if Flo's sister is willing to have Flo come to … Continue reading I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

Gone Without a Trace

Major League Baseball (MLB) has just entered into a lockout as a result of the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement between the franchise owners and playersā€™ union on Wednesday, December 1, at 11:59 p.m. ET. At the core of the dispute between management and the players is the economic system that drives the game. … Continue reading Gone Without a Trace

The End of an Era

The Staples Center is one of the most well-known sports and entertainment venues in the U.S. The arena is home to the NBA's Lakers and Clippers, the NHL's Kings, and the WNBA's Sparks. Nineteen Grammy Award ceremonies have been held at the venue and it regularly hosts concerts from chart-topping music artists. Several high-profile events, … Continue reading The End of an Era

What Would You Do to Get Out of Exercise for the Rest of Your Life?

Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, but I've always enjoyed getting in a good workout. But despite the well-known benefits, both physical and mental, of exercise, many people would rather avoid it altogether. A recent poll of 2,000 people who frequently exercise, conducted byĀ OnePollĀ on behalf of AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching appĀ Freeletics, found some … Continue reading What Would You Do to Get Out of Exercise for the Rest of Your Life?

Yay! They’re Back!

It's Fall Festival weekend at Villanova University, the time of year when our campus is taken over by the Special Olympics. Held during the first or second weekend in November since 1989, the campus hosts over 1,000 athletes, 400 coaches, 4,000 volunteers, and the many corporate sponsors and media outlets that will provide coverage for … Continue reading Yay! They’re Back!