My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

I stopped blogging on March 31, 2022, and started up again on August 9., for a total of 130 days. One of the tasks I informally committed myself to do during the break was to read more books. I don't keep track of every book I've read, so the following list may not be 100% … Continue reading My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

Better Late Than Never: Dan Pink’s Five Tips for Traveling Abroad

As I was writing the headline for this post, my first thought was - some readers would probably prefer the Never versus the Late. But for me, I've got some catching up to do with Mr. Pink's Pinkcasts, so here we go. Let's cut right to the chase; here are the five tips, followed by … Continue reading Better Late Than Never: Dan Pink’s Five Tips for Traveling Abroad

It Only Took One Day for My Students To Realize How Out of Touch I Am

As I noted in yesterday's blog post, today was my first day of classes for the semester. The course I am teaching is a freshmen-level, Intro to Business course. I typically start each class by sharing and discussing a few articles from that day's Wall Street Journal. Since this was our first day together, I … Continue reading It Only Took One Day for My Students To Realize How Out of Touch I Am

Retiring to the Big City?

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article about how a small group of retirement-age Americans are rejecting traditional ideas about retirement in favor of growing old in major urban metropolises. While many people think of big cities as having crowded, dirty streets and crammed subway cars, many retirees are finding that these big cities … Continue reading Retiring to the Big City?

Finding My Passion, Updated

Below is the second post I wrote, more than seven years ago. Back then I was questioning what my passion in life was, what my purpose was. Well, now I'm 64 years old, and I don't think I'm any closer to discovering my purpose and passion than I was back in 2015. I am still … Continue reading Finding My Passion, Updated

What Has 12 Thumbs and Has Gained a Few Pounds Since College?

This group of guys. That's me in the gray hoodie with the glasses. I was lucky enough to be invited by one of these guys (the guy on my far right, the far left looking at the picture - the bald guy) to watch yesterday's Flyers hockey game from one of the suites. He had … Continue reading What Has 12 Thumbs and Has Gained a Few Pounds Since College?

Is It Possible That Some Members of Gen Z Will Never Work in an Office?

It is a strange time for those people who graduated from college in the past year or so and then started their first job. Many of these people, often referred to as Gen Z (born after 1997), finished college taking classes remotely, and they began their career working remotely. So it's not out of the … Continue reading Is It Possible That Some Members of Gen Z Will Never Work in an Office?

I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

I've been watching this nail-biter of a game between Villanova and UConn, and during one of the time-outs, a commercial came on that gave me an idea of how I can make some money when I retire. Here is the commercial: So I thought if Flo's sister is willing to have Flo come to … Continue reading I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

Could This Be My Ticket to a Life of Fame and Fortune?

Here is an excerpt from a post I wrote over five years ago: A couple of years ago I happened to walk outside my house and I noticed one of the neighborhood cats chasing something down our street. When I went to get a closer look, I noticed it was a baby rabbit that appeared … Continue reading Could This Be My Ticket to a Life of Fame and Fortune?

Music Monday: Please Listen To Happy Music – I’ll Be Able to Retire Sooner

Note: a hat tip to a Villanova student for sending me the information that led to this blog post... A recent study looked at the average happiness of the songs played over a week in a country and compared it with what happened in the country’s stock markets that week. They found that more-positive listening … Continue reading Music Monday: Please Listen To Happy Music – I’ll Be Able to Retire Sooner