And So Another Year Begins

One of the unusual things about having spent most of my career in academia is that I think in terms of semesters, and not calendar years. Tomorrow is the first day of classes at my school, Villanova University, and I think of it as the beginning of a new year. This will be the start … Continue reading And So Another Year Begins

Is This How My Students Feel When I Teach Them How to Do Something?

Recently I made the decision to add some non-vegan items to my diet, as a sort of trial. I thought I'd start with eggs and salmon, and give myself about 90 days to see if I notice any differences in my health and general well-being. It may not seem like much, but I've been a … Continue reading Is This How My Students Feel When I Teach Them How to Do Something?

I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

I've been watching this nail-biter of a game between Villanova and UConn, and during one of the time-outs, a commercial came on that gave me an idea of how I can make some money when I retire. Here is the commercial: So I thought if Flo's sister is willing to have Flo come to … Continue reading I May Have Just Found My Calling for When I Retire

The Teacher Becomes the Student, or Old Dog Learns New Trick

Last year I wrote a post that included a video that offered a fun way to remember how debits and credits work. I'll do my good deed for the day by not including the video on this post, but if you want to see it, here is the link to that old post. After I … Continue reading The Teacher Becomes the Student, or Old Dog Learns New Trick

Practicing, Not YouTubing, Makes Perfect

This post may seem a bit odd coming just one day after I wrote about the controversy surrounding behavioral economist, Dan Ariely. While I personally don't think it looks good for Dan, I'm hoping it's an isolated incident and it doesn't negate all the other research he has done. Plus, people are supposed to be … Continue reading Practicing, Not YouTubing, Makes Perfect

Music Monday: A Unique Way to Teach the Basics of Accounting

If you came here thinking you were going to see me sing something related to accounting, you are mistaken. But, that's a good thing. Accounting might be painful enough for many people, but then hearing me sing about accounting could push people right over the edge. So I came across this video that some students … Continue reading Music Monday: A Unique Way to Teach the Basics of Accounting

Hmmm… Maybe I’m the Exception

In one of today's emails to behavioral economist Dan Ariely, a husband is baffled where he went wrong with the birthday gift he bought his wife. Here's the email: Dear Dan, I bought my brother a top-of-the-line espresso machine for his birthday. My wife remarked that it was a very generous and thoughtful gift, so … Continue reading Hmmm… Maybe I’m the Exception

Testing the “Peak-End” Rule

Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Total Assets = Total Liabilities plus Total Equity Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania. Future value of a lump sum = Present value of the lump sum * [(1 plus the interest rate) raised to the number of years] Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Here is an email … Continue reading Testing the “Peak-End” Rule

Now I Know What My Students Must Feel Like

I’ve always said one of my greatest strengths as a teacher is the ability to take a room full of young, energetic students and within minutes have a few of them on the edge of REM sleep. I get it. For some people, accounting is not the most interesting topic to sit and listen to. … Continue reading Now I Know What My Students Must Feel Like

Thanks to PowerPoint, I’ve Been an Ineffective Teacher for the Past Thirty Years

PowerPoint has been a mainstay of my teaching for the past 30 years. While I don't just stand up there and recite what is on the slides, I do use the text that is on the slides to highlight the key points I want to make and to keep me on track. Well according to … Continue reading Thanks to PowerPoint, I’ve Been an Ineffective Teacher for the Past Thirty Years