Music Monday: Merry Christmas from The Killers

The Killers are one of the few bands that I got to know after the 1970s, and one of the things I like most about the band is that they used to release an original Christmas song/music video each year since 2006, with the profits going to support the Product RED campaign to end AIDS. In 2016, … Continue reading Music Monday: Merry Christmas from The Killers

Sweet Dreamery: Taking Naps in the Middle of NYC (with the help of a boring accounting book)

Casper, the online mattress retailer, opened the Dreamery in New York City in July of this year, right next door to its retail store in Soho. Casper refers to the space as “a magical oasis in the middle of New York City where you can hit pause and recharge whenever you want.” Jeff Brooks, CMO of Casper, … Continue reading Sweet Dreamery: Taking Naps in the Middle of NYC (with the help of a boring accounting book)

“There Is No Current Case for Canine Exceptionalism”

That is the conclusion of a paper just published in the current issue of the journal Learning and Behavior. In other words, dogs are not as smart as people believe. The researchers set out to study dogs from three different perspectives: phylogenetically, as carnivoran and specifically a canid; ecologically, as social, cursorial hunters; and anthropogenically, … Continue reading “There Is No Current Case for Canine Exceptionalism”

Good to Great: The Level 5 Leader

In Jim Collins' classic bestselling book, Good to Great, he introduces the concept of the Level 5 leader. Here is a brief description of the Level 5 leader from Jim Collins' website: Level 5 leaders display a powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They're incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost … Continue reading Good to Great: The Level 5 Leader

I Knew It! “Fashion” Is Fake!

I've often wondered why one t-shirt sells for $3 and another one sells for $30, even though I see no difference. Or why one pair of Levi jeans is $49 but a pair of Off White jeans is $450. I see no difference between such fashion wear, and always thought that the prices were purely … Continue reading I Knew It! “Fashion” Is Fake!

Should You Sleep with a Window Open?

I like to sleep with a window slightly open, year round. I have no scientific basis for such behavior, it's just a gut feeling that there's something healthy about having the window open. Well, when I saw a headline in today's Wall Street Journal: "Is It Healthy to Sleep With the Window Open?", I thought … Continue reading Should You Sleep with a Window Open?

Life Lesson, Learned Late

As I was walking across campus the other day during a torrential downpour, I noticed a few students without umbrellas. The drenched look brought back memories of when I was their age. For whatever reason, from the time I was probably 10 years old and then through college and for several years afterward, I refused to … Continue reading Life Lesson, Learned Late

Music Monday – Southern Rockers with a Conscience

I started my Music Monday series a few weeks ago as a result of a Wall Street Journal article that talked about the state of rock and roll and mentioned some lesser known bands as part of the story. One of the bands mentioned was Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires, a Birmingham, Alabama … Continue reading Music Monday – Southern Rockers with a Conscience

Finding Your Fremont

“Loneliness is killing us.” So claims Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, in his new book, Them: Why We Hate Each Other — and How to Heal. Mr. Sasse offers as evidence the growing rates of suicide and overdose deaths in America. I've written about the loneliness epidemic on multiple occasions, five times in the past six … Continue reading Finding Your Fremont

Not So Fast, Dan

Regular readers of my blog likely know the "Dan" I am referring to. It's Dan Ariely, a leading behavioral economist, and best-selling author. Dan has a biweekly advice column in the Wall Street Journal that has often provided me with ideas for my blog, and today's column is no exception. Here is the email in question: … Continue reading Not So Fast, Dan