Jerry Seinfeld on How to Get a Little Bit Better Every Day

In my opinion, Jerry Seinfeld is one of the greatest comedians of the past 50 years. And while I enjoy his sense of humor, I also like the commitment he seems to show to his craft and his willingness to try new outlets for his work. In these ways, he reminds me a lot of … Continue reading Jerry Seinfeld on How to Get a Little Bit Better Every Day

“I’ve Got to Write My Stupid Blog”

I heard myself saying that to my wife the other night, and I realized it wasn't the first time I've uttered those words. It was after 9:00 at night, I was tired, and I had no idea what I was going to write about. Unfortunately, that's a fairly common scenario (and now you know why … Continue reading “I’ve Got to Write My Stupid Blog”

If This Is True, Then I Should Be the King of Brainstorming

I've written more than a few posts about some of my embarrassing moments (I have so many to choose from): Lobster Man Strikes Again Another One of Life’s Embarrassing Moments Embarrassing Stories – A Wonderful Way to Get to Know One Another? Another Benefit of Sharing Embarrassing Moments Add One More to Life’s Embarrassing Moments Well, That Was Embarrassing… The … Continue reading If This Is True, Then I Should Be the King of Brainstorming

Better Feedback in Just 19 Words

"I'm giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them." In this Pinkcast, Dan looks at Daniel Coyle's book "The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups". In the book, Coyle highlights a large study of teachers giving feedback to students where it was found … Continue reading Better Feedback in Just 19 Words

I Don’t “Have to Blog”, I “Get to Blog”

Thanks to Daniel Pink's most recent Pinkcast for helping me come up with an idea for today's post. It's after 11:00 at night, and I had exhausted many of my usual sources of material for my blog, from what I did and saw today, to reading a variety of newspapers, to scouring through my emails. … Continue reading I Don’t “Have to Blog”, I “Get to Blog”

Dear Future Me,

I heard about this fascinating web site from Daniel Pink's monthly newsletter back in October, and I had to meant to write about it back then, but it must have somehow slipped into the deep abyss that is my mind. Fortunately, it was still in my inbox, and I stumbled upon it again today. (By … Continue reading Dear Future Me,