Dan Pink: Three Simple Words for Dealing with Challenging Situations

In the latest episode of his Pinkcast, Dan Pink offers guidance on how to respond more effectively to people when they come to us with complications, confusion, and complaints. Usually, when people come to us with a problem or grievance, we try to respond with a quick solution to the issue at hand. This is … Continue reading Dan Pink: Three Simple Words for Dealing with Challenging Situations

Dan Pink Summons the Spirit of Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is one of the most well-known names in the world of business, often credited with creating the field of management. In the many business courses I have taken over the years, the odds were high that his name and his contributions would be a featured part of the course. So when I saw … Continue reading Dan Pink Summons the Spirit of Peter Drucker

Better Late Than Never: Dan Pink’s Five Tips for Traveling Abroad

As I was writing the headline for this post, my first thought was - some readers would probably prefer the Never versus the Late. But for me, I've got some catching up to do with Mr. Pink's Pinkcasts, so here we go. Let's cut right to the chase; here are the five tips, followed by … Continue reading Better Late Than Never: Dan Pink’s Five Tips for Traveling Abroad

When in Doubt, Reach Out

It's been a  while since I've shared a Pinkcast, video clips from Dan Pink that offered useful advice typically in less than two minutes. One of Dan's recent Pinkcasts deals with a dilemma many of us have faced. The thought comes into your head to get in touch with a friend you haven't communicated with … Continue reading When in Doubt, Reach Out

Getting the Most Out of Your Good Deeds

I think most of us would agree that doing a good deed is doubly good. Good for us, and good for the person we are doing it for. But is there a way to make a good deed even more effective? Apparently, there is. And Dan Pink has a short video about it. https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/c026r83113 Research … Continue reading Getting the Most Out of Your Good Deeds

Can’t Make a Decision? Use These Nine Words.

We've all faced dilemmas like the following: Go out for the evening or stay home and watch a movie Buy something now or wait until it goes on sale Read Borden's Blather or the IRS Tax Code I know, the last one is obvious. You keep a copy of the tax code on your nightstand … Continue reading Can’t Make a Decision? Use These Nine Words.

If This Is True, Then I Should Have Lots of Real Friends

In his latest Pinkcast, Dan Pink asks: why are successful people so lonely? To help find the answer, Dan engages the help of Arthur Brooks, Harvard professor and author of From Strength to Strength. Brooks claims that the problem is that while successful people may have many friends — they may not be the right kind. … Continue reading If This Is True, Then I Should Have Lots of Real Friends

I’m Looking Forward to Reading Dan Pink’s New Book: The Power of Regret

Regular readers of my blog (my wife and three sons) know that I have featured Dan Pink quite often in my blog. Dan started a series of bi-weekly Pinkcasts a few years ago, and I believe I have featured every one of those Pinkcasts. I have also read nearly all of Dan's books (I consider … Continue reading I’m Looking Forward to Reading Dan Pink’s New Book: The Power of Regret

🎵 You Say You Want To Make a Resolution🎵

Well, you knowWe all want to change the world - Opening lines from the song Revolution by the Beatles It's getting close to that time of year when people start creating New Year's resolutions. Even though I'm not sure if I'll be setting any resolutions for 2022, I thought I would share the latest Pinkcast … Continue reading 🎵 You Say You Want To Make a Resolution🎵

How To Buy a House With Just One Red Paperclip

This story is 16 years old, but I just learned about it tonight while trying to think of something to write for my blog. I was feeling good because I received an email that announced Dan Pink had released his newest Pinkcast this week. If it was anything like his previous videos, the odds were … Continue reading How To Buy a House With Just One Red Paperclip