The Dangers of Blogging While Tired

As soon as I saw what happened, I knew I would have to write a blog post about it. Earlier today, skksfjkf asfjskl jfdklsaj;sgja'fa;sfk;lllllllllllllllfs Oops, sorry, I must have fallen asleep while writing that last sentence. Anyway, as I was saying... Earlier today, I was walking across campus and I noticed off to my right … Continue reading The Dangers of Blogging While Tired

Music Monday: Blogging Leads to Real-World Experience

Two weeks ago I wrote a blog post about The Hu, a Mongolian folk metal band formed in 2016. I had never heard of the group until three days before I wrote the post, but thanks to a comment from Clive at Take It Easy, I gave a listen to their music, and I liked … Continue reading Music Monday: Blogging Leads to Real-World Experience

My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

I stopped blogging on March 31, 2022, and started up again on August 9., for a total of 130 days. One of the tasks I informally committed myself to do during the break was to read more books. I don't keep track of every book I've read, so the following list may not be 100% … Continue reading My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

I Guess 181 Weeks In a Row Wasn’t Enough to Make It Part of My Long-Term Memory

I guess I was so excited about my home repair success over the weekend that I couldn't wait to write a blog post about it. But what I forgot is that Mondays have always been my day to write about music, at least they had been for 181 weeks in a row until I took … Continue reading I Guess 181 Weeks In a Row Wasn’t Enough to Make It Part of My Long-Term Memory

How I Used WordPress and YouTube to Replace Our Bathroom Exhaust Fan

I am one of the world's unhandiest men (the image above is not my handiwork, but it could have been). It goes back to high school when I scored a 7 out of 100 on the Armed Forces Aptitude test for General Mechanical Ability. I've used that as an excuse not to fix anything for … Continue reading How I Used WordPress and YouTube to Replace Our Bathroom Exhaust Fan

So Where Is Waldo, Really?

The headline above was a recent essay prompt as part of the college admissions process for the University of Chicago. It seems like it would be a fun essay to work on, but to me, it seems crazy that perhaps such a question could carry more weight than the results of standardized math and verbal … Continue reading So Where Is Waldo, Really?

I’m Not Sure What This Says about My Blogging Skill, or Lack Thereof

It's just my second day back of blogging, and already I've become obsessed with my stats, again. I had done a pretty good job of only looking at my stats about once a day since I stopped blogging on March 31, but today I must have checked them at least 20 times. There was a … Continue reading I’m Not Sure What This Says about My Blogging Skill, or Lack Thereof

This May Be the End of My Streak

There's a good chance this will be my last blog post, or at least my last one for quite a while. I'm a bit overwhelmed with work this semester, and with blogging taking up about two to three hours of my day, I need to cut back. So a big thank you to all of … Continue reading This May Be the End of My Streak

Finding My Passion, Updated

Below is the second post I wrote, more than seven years ago. Back then I was questioning what my passion in life was, what my purpose was. Well, now I'm 64 years old, and I don't think I'm any closer to discovering my purpose and passion than I was back in 2015. I am still … Continue reading Finding My Passion, Updated

Music Monday: Almost Famous: Tim Moore, Singer-Songwriter Extraordinaire

A few months ago I had mentioned that once I started reposting old content, one of my first Music Mondays would be a repeat of a post from July 2015. That post featured one of my favorite singer-songwriters, Tim Moore, a native of Philadelphia. He was, and is, relatively unknown, having had some minor success … Continue reading Music Monday: Almost Famous: Tim Moore, Singer-Songwriter Extraordinaire