The Dangers of Blogging While Tired

As soon as I saw what happened, I knew I would have to write a blog post about it. Earlier today, skksfjkf asfjskl jfdklsaj;sgja'fa;sfk;lllllllllllllllfs Oops, sorry, I must have fallen asleep while writing that last sentence. Anyway, as I was saying... Earlier today, I was walking across campus and I noticed off to my right … Continue reading The Dangers of Blogging While Tired

Dan Pink: Three Simple Words for Dealing with Challenging Situations

In the latest episode of his Pinkcast, Dan Pink offers guidance on how to respond more effectively to people when they come to us with complications, confusion, and complaints. Usually, when people come to us with a problem or grievance, we try to respond with a quick solution to the issue at hand. This is … Continue reading Dan Pink: Three Simple Words for Dealing with Challenging Situations

Is This What a Dine and Dash Crime Scene Looks Like?

The photo above is one I took as I was leaving my building today, Friday afternoon. I'd like to give the benefit of doubt to whoever had been sitting there; maybe they had just stepped away to use the restroom. After all, someone who reads the Wall Street Journal wouldn't just leave a mess like … Continue reading Is This What a Dine and Dash Crime Scene Looks Like?

This Microsoft Office 365 Feature Sums Up the Current State of Politics in the U.S. Pretty Well

Like many organizations, Villanova's default email system is Microsoft Outlook as part of MS Office 365. Over the years, the spam filtering capabilities of Outlook seem to have gotten better. When an email is flagged as being potential spam, it is filtered into either a Junk Folder or a Quarantine folder. I wasn't quite sure … Continue reading This Microsoft Office 365 Feature Sums Up the Current State of Politics in the U.S. Pretty Well

Dan Pink Summons the Spirit of Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is one of the most well-known names in the world of business, often credited with creating the field of management. In the many business courses I have taken over the years, the odds were high that his name and his contributions would be a featured part of the course. So when I saw … Continue reading Dan Pink Summons the Spirit of Peter Drucker

This Blog Post Will Make You Happy

You can thank Dan Ariely for this tip on how to increase your level of happiness. Dear Dan, My aunt gave me some money for my birthday. Since she wasn’t sure about my likes and dislikes, she said to spend it on something that would make me happy. Do you have any advice on how … Continue reading This Blog Post Will Make You Happy

Throwback Tuesday (Or, Me Being Lazy)

The following post was originally published on January 7, 2017. More than five years later, it has no likes, and only four comments, two of which are mine. Despite those anemic numbers, it has always been one of my favorite posts. I told myself that if I ever started reblogging some of my previous posts, … Continue reading Throwback Tuesday (Or, Me Being Lazy)

My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

I stopped blogging on March 31, 2022, and started up again on August 9., for a total of 130 days. One of the tasks I informally committed myself to do during the break was to read more books. I don't keep track of every book I've read, so the following list may not be 100% … Continue reading My Break from Blogging Helped Me Get Caught Up on Some Reading

It Only Took One Day for My Students To Realize How Out of Touch I Am

As I noted in yesterday's blog post, today was my first day of classes for the semester. The course I am teaching is a freshmen-level, Intro to Business course. I typically start each class by sharing and discussing a few articles from that day's Wall Street Journal. Since this was our first day together, I … Continue reading It Only Took One Day for My Students To Realize How Out of Touch I Am

And So Another Year Begins

One of the unusual things about having spent most of my career in academia is that I think in terms of semesters, and not calendar years. Tomorrow is the first day of classes at my school, Villanova University, and I think of it as the beginning of a new year. This will be the start … Continue reading And So Another Year Begins