Thank You, Fellow Bloggers!

The other day I wrote a post about how I was in a rut with my blog, feeling like I had run out of ideas. But then a few bloggers responded with some suggestions, and this post is a direct result of one of those suggestions. Two separate bloggers (Searching for a Side Hustle with … Continue reading Thank You, Fellow Bloggers!

The Goal of This Post is Not to Get People to Read It

The goal is simply to keep my blogging streak alive. That's not always the case, but tonight it is. I looked through my usual sources for blog ideas, but nothing quite appealed to me. There was a story about a guy who uses physical discomfort—like ice baths—to improve mind and body. But I found it … Continue reading The Goal of This Post is Not to Get People to Read It

Sometimes, the Title of a Movie Tells You All You Need to Know

Sometimes, the title of a movie may not give you any idea what a film is about. For example, "You've Got Mail" could have been about a stalker who sends somebody threatening emails. Or "Animal House" could have been about an elderly woman who lives with over 100 cats in her house. Other times, the … Continue reading Sometimes, the Title of a Movie Tells You All You Need to Know