Music Monday: the Best National Football League Fight Song

My son and I are watching the Seattle Seahawks vs Philadelphia Eagles football game, and admittedly we were not too optimistic going in. Yet somehow the Eagles managed to score a touchdown at the end of the first half, and they are only losing by a score of 14-6. And the best part of an … Continue reading Music Monday: the Best National Football League Fight Song

There’s Just Something About Competition

I've loved to compete my whole life. It didn't matter what it was - sports, academics, who could hold their breath the longest. I wasn't good at most sports, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the thrill of competition, whether it was against another team or against myself. These days, most of my competition … Continue reading There’s Just Something About Competition

Finally, Someone Agrees With Me

If you are a baseball fan, you have probably heard about the sign-stealing controversy that has led to the firing of some high-profile managers (if you are not a fan of baseball and have not heard about the controversy, you can skip to the end of this post. Just hit the Like button and leave … Continue reading Finally, Someone Agrees With Me

Is This Any Way to Go to College?

A story in the Wall Street Journal took a look at LSU quarterback Joe Burrow's lifestyle at LSU. Burrow won the Heisman Trophy last night, given to the best player in college football. However, as the story notes, Burrow actually spends very little time on campus. Burrow transferred to LSU early in the summer of … Continue reading Is This Any Way to Go to College?

I Guess the Ends Justify the Means, But It Still Doesn’t Seem Right

It's halftime of the Ohio State - Wisconsin football game and the Dr. Pepper Challenge comes on. The challenge pits two college students against each other to see who can throw the most footballs into a round opening about 5 yards away. Let me emphasize that they were throwing footballs. But you wouldn't know it … Continue reading I Guess the Ends Justify the Means, But It Still Doesn’t Seem Right

It Only Took Me 50 Years to Realize There Was a Pattern, Every Year

Thanksgiving is a day full of tradition, from giving thanks, to visiting relatives, to the food that is served, to watching one or more NFL games. Today was no exception. We had a wonderful today with my wife's family, filled with lots of food, fun, and football. But when I got home and started thinking … Continue reading It Only Took Me 50 Years to Realize There Was a Pattern, Every Year

Five-Year Old Scores a Touchdown; Coach Facing a $500 Fine and Possible Two-Game Suspension

A local youth (5-7-year-olds) football coach is facing the possibility of a $500 fine and a two-game suspension. What did he do you may ask? Did he hurt one of his players? Did he use inappropriate language? Did he get into an argument with a ref? No, no, and no. The coach had the nerve … Continue reading Five-Year Old Scores a Touchdown; Coach Facing a $500 Fine and Possible Two-Game Suspension

A Choice I Made as a Nine-Year-Old Determined My Career Path

Who would have known that a decision I made as a nine-year-old would have predicted the career I have chosen for the past 33 years. When I was about nine-years-old I discovered that I liked swimming, and with my parents' encouragement, I joined the local swim team. I think back then swimming was a more … Continue reading A Choice I Made as a Nine-Year-Old Determined My Career Path

The Color Pink – the Latest In Psychological Warfare?

Here is a blurb about the color pink from the Color Psychology web site: Pink has many positive associations. It is a calming, non-threatening color. It is linked to innocence, hope and optimism. It also represents positive aspects of traditional femininity like nurture and kindness. Its negative sides are that it can seem weak, vulnerable … Continue reading The Color Pink – the Latest In Psychological Warfare?