“Congratulations! You’re OK for Now.”

That was the result I received after taking a six-question quiz to determine if I am burned out at work, and if so, what is causing my burnout.

The quiz, which took less than a minute, was in today’s Wall Street Journal. Hopefully, this link will work if you’re interested:

Take the Quiz

The different kinds of burnout that one can experience, and their solutions, are as follows:

  • Exhaustion: Exhaustion can stem from what feels like an unmanageable workload. You might have a relentless work schedule, too many tasks, and days packed with meetings, all of which can take a mental and physical toll, leaving you feeling drained and dreading work.THE FIX: Talk to your boss about the toll of your workload.
  • Cynicism: Cynical detachment can result when you suspect opportunities at work aren’t decided solely on merit. You may not feel supported by your boss, your colleagues, or your company. You develop a  sour, emotional distance that makes you indifferent to work.THE FIX: Getting out of your own head and helping others can lessen this type of burnout.
  • Inefficacy: Professional inefficacy—a sense of inadequacy at work—stems from the feeling that you can’t do anything well or that nothing you do makes any difference. Maybe you feel under-appreciated, or not in control at work. Eventually, you start wondering: Why bother?THE FIX: Give yourself a break.

If I was going to feel any burnout, it likely would come from the last one, inefficacy.

Five years ago I wrote a blog about how I feel like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas when I am at a meeting. Just like Justice Thomas rarely speaks up during a hearing, I rarely speak at meetings.

As I noted in that post, there were likely a number of reasons for such behavior on my part, but it is likely a lack of self-confidence, thinking that nobody wants to hear what I might have to say. So I thought, why bother saying anything?

But I guess it must not be too causing me too many problems, if this 30-second quiz is to be trusted…

60 thoughts on ““Congratulations! You’re OK for Now.”

  1. I’d take a 30-second quiz with 30 grains of salt. Also, I appreciate those who don’t talk much at meetings. That helps get the meeting over with quick. Most meetings are BS anyway, and a forum for those who like to BS. Not talking at a meeting is a sign of intelligence, in my view.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How about when a meeting is wrapping up and someone decides to ask an extended question? You can feel the negative body language in the room. I rather enjoyed parent/teacher conference meetings, but that’s an entirely different situation since I was doing the majority of the talking.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I would rather speak rarely and offer something profound than to speak at length and say nothing of value. By the way, the link for the quiz works fine. The results said I am okay. Immediately, I am suspicious.

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  4. glad you are okay, and don’t know that i’d take the quiz as gospel. i’m not a huge meeting fan either and try not to extend it unless i have something that really needs to be added or asked. most questions can be asked in a one-on-one situation and are not really relevant to the whole group. like pete, i love in person family conferences, but that is the exception

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  5. My display of Clarence Thomas Syndrome is my biggest disappointment at work. In my mind, it’s often glaring. As a new year’s resolution, I’ve been forcing myself to be more vocal. It’s working. I think speaking up is one of those things that the more you do it, the more you do it in the future. On a side note, I read an article that Thomas has been far more vocal lately, probably bolstered by the presence of like-minded people.

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  6. Out of the 3 types of exhaustion you’ve mentioned, I 100% identify with the 3rd one the most as well. I really don’t recall a single time in my life (fortunately) where I was completely and utterly exhausted from work, which honestly sounds awful

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  7. Retiree here; so no work burnout currently. Ironically, Clarence Thomas is one of the biggest opponents of affirmative action and also one of the biggest beneficiaries of it. His credentials in no way made him one of the best qualified candidates for SCOTUS.

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    1. every organization needs someone who questions what the firm is doing. I’m guessing the quiz was designed by a couple of academics trying to get something published. but that’s just the cynic in me 🙂

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  8. Hi Jim. Disappeared for a bit, trying to catch up on some of your recent posts! Recognise these issues, probably experienced them all at some point. Also recognise the confidence thing….wonder if that’s why I write…. cheers kiddo

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