I’m Looking Forward to Reading Dan Pink’s New Book: The Power of Regret

Regular readers of my blog (my wife and three sons) know that I have featured Dan Pink quite often in my blog. Dan started a series of bi-weekly Pinkcasts a few years ago, and I believe I have featured every one of those Pinkcasts. I have also read nearly all of Dan's books (I consider … Continue reading I’m Looking Forward to Reading Dan Pink’s New Book: The Power of Regret

🎵 You Say You Want To Make a Resolution🎵

Well, you knowWe all want to change the world - Opening lines from the song Revolution by the Beatles It's getting close to that time of year when people start creating New Year's resolutions. Even though I'm not sure if I'll be setting any resolutions for 2022, I thought I would share the latest Pinkcast … Continue reading 🎵 You Say You Want To Make a Resolution🎵

What’s Your Regret? Dan Pink Would Like to Know…

Imagine my excitement when I saw an email in my Inbox from Dan Pink. Dan's biweekly Pinkcast has been a great source of material for my blogs. I used to look forward to those Tuesdays when his Pinkcast newsletter would arrive because the odds were quite high that I would have something to write about … Continue reading What’s Your Regret? Dan Pink Would Like to Know…