Time to Embarrass Myself, Again

I’ve written more than a few posts about some of my embarrassing moments (I have so many to choose from):

Thankfully, it’s been a while since I felt a need to write another one.

But I think it’s that time again. And this time, it’s for a moment that hasn’t even happened. Well, technically it has.

I’ll explain.

Today I went to my dermatologist for a surgical procedure known as Moh’s Surgery.

Here is some info about the procedure from the Skin Cancer Foundation:

Mohs surgery is considered the most effective technique for treating many basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the two most common types of skin cancer. Sometimes called Mohs micrographic surgery, the procedure is done in stages, including lab work, while the patient waits. This allows the removal of all cancerous cells for the highest cure rate while sparing healthy tissue and leaving the smallest possible scar.

The procedure is done in stages, all in one visit, while the patient waits between each stage. After removing a layer of tissue, the surgeon examines it under a microscope in an on-site lab. If any cancer cells remain, the surgeon knows the exact area where they are and removes another layer of tissue from that precise location, while sparing as much healthy tissue as possible. The doctor repeats this process until no cancer cells remain.

This was actually the second time I have had the procedure done; the first time was back in October.

That first surgery required the doctor to go through the removal process twice. While the actual surgery is just a few minutes, the wait for the lab results is quite time-consuming. I was at the doctor’s office for over five hours that first time.

Today, I was lucky in that the doctor only had to go through the removal process once, and I was there for just about two hours.

Both times, the procedure was done on my forehead, once on the right side, once on the left.

I left the office with a bandage covering half my forehead, and there is so much packing of gauze underneath it that it bulges out at least an inch.

And now I have to go teach five classes tomorrow and explain each time to the students why I have this obscenely large bandage on my forehead. When I mentioned this to the doctor, he said I could use it as a teaching moment to tell the students to make sure they use sunscreen and to cover up when they go outside.

So I guess that will be the major takeaway from tomorrow’s class.

I had to go through this same experience back in October, but that won’t make it any easier this time around. So in a way, tomorrow’s embarrassing moment has happened before.

Plus, I have about 30 students this semester who I also taught last semester, so this will be their second time to see me in such a condition.

I can only imagine what they’ll be thinking…


48 thoughts on “Time to Embarrass Myself, Again

  1. Oh yes, a teachable moment indeed! You can tell your students that due to going nuts staring at debit and credit entries for too long, you’ve had to undergo a minor lobotomy. This might steer them away from a career as an accountant and on to other more exciting pursuits. This will reduce competition in the field, helping to raise the salaries of accountants across the country. And that will enable them to more easily afford their lobotomies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A great idea! And maybe he could have a guest speaker one day, like you sharing about your lobotomy experience. 🙂

      Hope they got it all Jim and believe me I could probably bypass you with embarrassing stories!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t drink. So instead of having a bottle in front of me, I’ve had a frontal lobotomy.

        But all kidding aside, I hope they got it all, also. Must be miserable having to go through that surgery.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah well, my friend … life is full of embarrassing moments that someday we look back on and laugh, yes? I’m just glad to know the doc got all the cancer cells and hopefully this will be the last time you have to go through it!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. They’ll be thinking, “WHY didn’t he use sunscreen?” cause unless you tell them, they won’t know it wasn’t the norm in oot time. In fact, it was common to lay out/”tan” wearing baby oil.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We all need to be embarrassed from time to time. It keeps us humble. I know your students are there for an accounting lesson, but if you prevent one student from getting skin cancer, what could be more valuable than that?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. if you talk about being safe in the sun you might save a life and it could be the most valuable lesson you could teach them. you could always add in some stats about the positive effects of sun protection vs. no protection if it helps you to feel more comfortable.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Nothing embarrassing about seeking medical treatment, although the oversized bandage may make it feel that way. When asked I would simply say, “I cut myself shaving”. Let their imaginations take it from there. Be well, my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. When I was younger, whenever I appeared banged up in any way my friends and I joked that I could pretend I got into a catty fight on the streets and pretend I came out the winner…. lol I certainly wouldn’t recommend that here though lol… 🙂 Glad you got those checked out! I am always “nagging” my husband to keep up with his physicals and what not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. a couple people had suggested I blame it on a cut from shaving. I’d be concerned that the students would think I was serious, and start wondering why I am shaving my forehead.

      I was glad I got it checked out and taken care of…

      Liked by 1 person

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