Sunday Is Fun Word Day: Flibbertigibbet!

I always just assumed it was a made-up word -"flibbertigibbet", sort of like 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'. But I came across flibbertigibbet twice today and given the source of where I came across it the second time, it made me think that it might be a real word. And that is not the only coincidence I want … Continue reading Sunday Is Fun Word Day: Flibbertigibbet!

Music Monday: Do You Know Your Parents’ Favorite Music?

I've been writing my Music Monday column for about a year and a half, and it's been a chance for me to share the music of both my favorite artists as well of artists that are new to me. Since my family reads my blog posts (well at least they tell me they do), I … Continue reading Music Monday: Do You Know Your Parents’ Favorite Music?