Here’s to All Those Working Full-Time and Taking Classes at Night

As I was leaving school tonight, I ended up chatting with someone who had just come from an information session on our part-time MBA program.

He was asking me a few questions about the program, and a few minutes later we were joined by a woman and her young son who had also been at the session. We talked for a few moments, and I tried to answer their questions as best I could.

As we went our separate ways, I started to think about what a major commitment it was going to be on their part if they enrolled in the program.

A commitment of both time and money.

I thought of all the long nights they had ahead of them; working all day, then driving to school for a three hour class, and finally getting back home, well past dinner time.

Then there’s the homework at night and on weekends, the group projects that require everyone to try and manage their schedules to find a common time to get together, and the pressure of studying for tests.

The times when all of your colleagues are going out after work, but you are going to school for class or home to study. The family obligations that need to be juggled along with your job and school work.

It’s not easy, so why do they do it? And not just MBA students, but all those people who work full-time and take classes at night.

While it’s hard to know the specific reasons for any individual, I think a common thread running in the backs of the minds of all these students is that they want to give themselves more opportunities for a better life, and it’s not always just for themselves, but in many cases it’s for their family as well.

I was fortunate to always attend school as a full-time student, and I remember how busy I would get when the schoolwork started piling up. I can’t imagine what it would be look to work full-time and take classes at night, especially if you have other responsibilities such as family obligations.

So I just wanted to take a moment and recognize these part-time students and let them know that I have tremendous admiration for what you are doing, and I wish you the best with your work and with your classes. I hope you find that the return on investment of your time and money is the best investment you will ever make.

4 thoughts on “Here’s to All Those Working Full-Time and Taking Classes at Night

  1. Dr. Borden, as you know I am a 1988 Graduate of the MBA program. Because I did not study business as an Undergrad I had to take 20 full 3-credit courses to graduate, including two from you. My experience at and my degree from Villanova is one of the most Impotant, Valuable, and Meaningfull accomplishments of my life. It gave me the ability to contribute in and participate in the lives of my family, friends, and co-workers. My advice to someone considering a part-time degree business program is simply this: Don’t think, RUN to the opportunity. You will NEVER look back.


    1. I’m happy to hear getting your MBA was such a great and rewarding experience, but the major reason why was because of your commitment to excellence. I’m glad we have stayed in touch, and I wish you continued success.


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