So This Is What Guys Do When They Are at “Work”

It started about 8:30 this morning, EST:

And it kept me busy for the next five and a half hours. Prime working hours for most people in the U.S.

I’m talking about Tiger Tracker, an individual who follows Tiger Woods around a golf course and tweets Tiger’s progress, with a good deal of humor and snark mixed in. I first started using TigerTracker earlier this summer, and I have become a little addicted to it.

I probably refreshed my Twitter feed several dozen times today so that I could keep up with Tiger’s round, and I don’t even golf. And I do this every time Tiger is in a tournament.

You may wonder how many people would actually follow such a Twitter feed. All I can say is – I am not alone.

Tiger Tracker has over 265,000 followers, while he (or she, it’s a mystery who Tiger Tracker is) only follows 63 accounts.

But I don’t think the number of followers really gives you a sense of the level of engagement that exists with Tiger Tracker. If you check the tweet above, you will see that it has 606 likes. There were also 34 comments and 59 retweets.

And these are not the highest numbers today in terms of engagement with a Tiger Tracker tweet.

I decided to get some basic stats, and here is what I counted:

Between tweeting from the practice range, the round itself, and a few tweets after the round was completed, I counted 118 tweets in a six-hour time period.

For those 118 tweets, there were a total of 37,509 likes, 3,880 comments, and 2,549 retweets. This works out to an average of 318 likes per tweet, 33 comments per tweet, and 22 retweets per tweet.

Here is the most liked tweet:

and here is the one with the least number of likes:

Here were some of my favorite tweets:

Army golf? Don’t know if that’s a common golf joke, but I found it funny nonetheless.

I don’t blame him, I’d be afraid to get near Tiger, especially after a bogey.

Drinking is a recurring theme in Tiger Tracker’s tweets, often sharing what his drinking plans are for the evening at the end of the round.

This was in reference to Tiger changing his shirt after just the third hole, because of excessive sweat apparently.

So I’m not sure what all of these people do who follow Tiger Tracker, but there’s got be a lot of guys (and yes, I am assuming it is mostly guys) following Tiger Tracker while they are at work.

My guess is that productivity must go down on days when Tiger Woods is in a tournament. As I said earlier, I’m not even a golfer (unless you count mini-golf), yet there is something fascinating about watching Tiger Woods play golf, and I’ve been doing so ever since I watched him win his first Masters.

Who could forget this hug?

For the most part if Tiger’s not playing, I’m not watching the tournament on TV. And if he’s not playing, I guess there is no Tiger Tracker (maybe TT hangs out at the bar on such days).

And except for Tiger’s sponsors, I’m sure the rest of corporate America is happy when Tiger is not playing. Some work might actually get done on such days.

So thank you to Tiger Tracker for making it easy for 265,000 of Tiger’s fans to feel like we’re right there with him, or at least with you. I’ll be checking in tomorrow.

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