The Wright Attitude

It’s been quite a run for Villanova Men’s Basketball Coach, Jay Wright.

  • In 2016, he won the NCAA Championship
  • In 2018, he won the NCAA Championship
  • Earlier this summer, he was one of the coaches for the USA Men’s team that an Olympic Gold medal
  • A month ago he was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame

You can imagine the demands on his time, yet he still finds the time every Fall to speak to our freshmen business students about the culture of Villanova basketball and the importance of having the right attitude.

Here is the tweet he posted shortly after this year’s event, which was held earlier this evening:

I have written once before about this event, when he shared the story of the stonecutter.

It’s a great story, and since this was a new audience, he told the story again.

Coach Wright had a few more words of wisdom that I thought I would share:

  • Don’t drink the perfume. After winning a national championship or experiencing a moment of succeess, it might be natural for a 20-year old to bask in the adulation that is sure to follow. Coach tells the players it’s ok to take a whiff of that perfume, but not to drink it. Doing so could be poisonous.
  • There are two types of people. Those who are humble and those who are about to be. A great reminder to maintain your sense of humility.
  • Don’t tell your problems to the world. 80% don’t care and 20% are happy you have them. Learn to manage the highs and lows that we all experience. Rely on those around you to get you through those tough times.
  • Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you. Relevant not only in the world of sports, but business and life as well. Build a strong network. As they say, it takes a village.

So thank you once again, Coach Wright, for taking the time to share your words of wisdom. I wish you continued success.

46 thoughts on “The Wright Attitude

  1. Sounds like a great coach and busy man. He also seems to steal quotes, which is something else I like about him. The “There are two kinds of people in this world . . . ” quote has been attributed to SMSU baseball coach Matt Deggs, and the “Don’t tell your problems to the world . . . ” quote has been attributed to football coach Lou Holtz. Who stole from who is what I wonder.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Don’t tell your problems to the world, so true. I had a friend who wouldn’t share her plans either.

    Form a spectator’s point of view, I think that Coach Wright’s regular training also influences his mindset in a positive way. It takes determination to follow a daily physical routine to keep fit and up your game up (in his case). And this consistency teaches one about sacrifices too.

    I was just reading about Helen Mirren who, at 76 years old, with a straight back and a sprint in her step, strode the catwalk at the last L’Oreal fashion show in Paris. On platform sandals and all for a good cause. 🙂

    Great advice from Coach Wright.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I especially like that he’s not so full of himself. One of the best parts of this story is that he still makes the time to talk to the incoming freshmen.

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