Uh-Oh. I Just Discovered a Feature on my iPad Kindle App…

Some readers of my blog may recall that for my birthday this year I asked my wife and sons to each gift me a book that they really liked.

The first book I randomly chose to read was Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life by Rory Sutherland. I have not been able to devote much time to reading it, but what I have read so far has been fascinating.

There has been a lot of focus on behavioral economics and statistics, two of my favorite topics.

As I was reading the book on the Kindle app on my iPad, I discovered a new feature (for me) that I may end up using way too much in my blog. Apparently, I can highlight a portion of the text and send myself an email. I just thought it would be a simple text message, but it actually comes nicely formatted and with the name of the book and the author.

This first I found humorous and interesting, an example of the placebo effect:

I’ll share one more quote from a chapter that looked at how to recruit a diverse workforce:

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this book, and can highly recommend it. I’m guessing by the time I finish, there may be one or two (or five) more quotes I share on the blog.

41 thoughts on “Uh-Oh. I Just Discovered a Feature on my iPad Kindle App…

  1. When I first read your title, I will admit that I immediately thought that Kindle had some kind of “stats” that I was unaware of. I am glad I was wrong. This looks like a fun feature and I am excited about the excerpts and write ups that follow.

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    1. I’ve seen some stats – what percent of the book I am done, how long will it take me to read it, how many sections have been highlighted, etc. The Kindle app seems ripe for a lot of stats..

      I am sure I will get carried away with this copying and pasting feature 🙂

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  2. That quote about the gin and tonics reminds me of when my dad was told to cut down on his drinking in his sixties. After his first G & T, his (second) wife and his friends (who owned the bar) would alter the proportions of the next and after that he was on straight tonic water for the rest of the evening. He never twigged and still ‘relaxed’ as the evening wore on.

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  3. The first quote made me laugh, I’d heard of this scam being done in Mediterranean resorts to holiday makers, though thought they only get away with that because people are a bit more drunken on holiday.

    I like the feature to send through quotes in the nice format, I’ve been highlighting with my Kindle and sending through as PDF file, which I was going to use for posts.

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  4. I’ve stolen a few quotes, using that Kindle feature. It’s kind of nice.

    I guess greed is not such a bad thing. I wonder how my drunk-driving accidents bartenders have prevented, in their greed to save money on gin.

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  5. Firstly, I’m heading to my Kobo app on my iPad to see if I can do this. Just love the idea of it. And secondly, years ago my parents and friends were away in Swaziland. They set up a drinking kitty and told the barman to serve only coke to a friend when he ordered his rum and coke. Sometime into the night he told them he had enough to drink and was going to bed. At that stage, they gave him his rum haha.

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  6. It’s always exciting to discover things we can do on our reading apps or devices. I couldn’t stop grinning when I discover than I can actually take a screenshot in my kindle haha 😀

    Love the quotes you highlighted. The first one is a true sign of how powerful our minds are.

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