I Don’t “Have to Blog”, I “Get to Blog”

Thanks to Daniel Pink’s most recent Pinkcast for helping me come up with an idea for today’s post.

It’s after 11:00 at night, and I had exhausted many of my usual sources of material for my blog, from what I did and saw today, to reading a variety of newspapers, to scouring through my emails.

I was starting to get desperate when I came across Pink’s latest email I had received about a week and a half ago. I had merely glanced at it then, but tonight I decied to actually watch the Pinkcast he rferenced in the email.

The Pinkcasts are short videos with science-based tools and tips, and this is the third “season” that Pink has been making these videos.

The most recent one looks at how to motivate yourself to exercise when you don’t feel like exercising. Here’s the video; it’s less than two minutes long:

So the key is to use intrinsic motivation, and say to yourself “I get to exercise”, not “I have to exercise”; to not view exercise as a chore, but as a gift.

So while I was sitting here struggling with something to write about, and saying to myself “I have to blog about something”, I changed my mindset to “I get to blog about something”, and just like that, the idea came to me to use Pink’s idea and to write a blog about it, but apply it to daily blogging.

While there are some days that are more difficult than others to come up with an idea, I shouldn’t take for granted the wonderful opportunity that blogging offers to me. The chance to share my thoughts and ideas on a wide variety of topics, and a chance for me to think more deeply about certain issues.

So now my mantra every day when I retreat to my room to write my blog won’t be “I have to go do my blog now”, but instead, “I get to go do my blog now”.

I hope it works as well as it did tonight, and I got to finish my blog before midnight…

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